January 12 - 13th, 2014
After years of preparations and savings, our radiofriend Joe Sparks finally can make his dream come true: activate the most wanted island, ‘Foxhunt Isle’. But on his way to his dream destination, disaster strucks. The 14 deck cruiseship must have hit an iceberg, rock, or some yet to define object! The complete ship is lost with all living souls aboard, except for Joe Sparks and his floating suitcase containing his tooth brush, one pair of socks and all of his RF equipment. After several weeks of ocean drifting, Joe finally reaches his dream island, where he is warmly welcomed by its inhabitants.
Another several weeks later, Joe decides it is about time to get in touch with the amateur radio community. Everything is in his suitcase: QRP transceiver, feedline, antenna wire, 12 V gellie, solar panel… But where is his key? HELP, NO KEY.
Can you help Joe Sparks by creating a key using everyday parts (clothes-pins, rubber bands, rusty nails, etc.) and operate with it during the Sunday January 12 and Monday January 13 Foxhunts? If so, please add “JS KEY” to the RST (RST 599 / JS KEY). Foxes: please add this info in the remarks field of your log entries.
You are kindly invited to forward a picture of your very special "Joe Sparks" key to the Foxhunt HQ. There will be a reward for the most original Joe Sparks key.